Customized Dashboards

Customized Dashboards

The Advancement in Data Analysis

In the last ten years, we have experienced an evolution in tools specific to the BI (business intelligence) industry and various players in the space.


When applied to advertising platforms and client 1st party data, these types of tools and others can uncover unseen insights. These insights are challenging to discover due to the data siloed within their respective medium and user interface or the rows of data limited by the user interface or reporting parameters.

What is PowerBI to Marketers & Advertisers.

Combination of Platform Data

We are in the infancy of platform data combination.

For example, very few tools today bring in Facebook & Google ads data customization; some might provide a single or multi-view. What we provide is an advertiser's view. In addition to advertising platform data, we go to further extents to bring in social data from various platforms and web entities such as google analytics and Shopify. We also can include Google Search Console and E-Mail Clients (Klaviyo) for further data combination and exploration. One case study that opens the mind to combined data sets is an advertiser running media across 7 platforms and 3 regions. If you multiple the platforms by regions you reach 21 user interfaces a media buyer might navigate to better understand results.

As self-serve platforms have grown, many companies are combining these data sets to compare and contrast. However, we take a different approach through customization.

Platform / Launch Year

List view


List view


TikTok Ads
DoubleClick (Google)
Pinterest Ads
Facebook Ads
Twitter Ads
Gmail & Display Network Ads
Google Discovery Ads
Instagram Ads
Snapchat Ads
Facebook Messenger Ads
Bing Ads
Google Ads
Amazon Advertising Platform
Instagram Shopping
YouTube Ads

Customization and Visualization

Just because two brands share the same category does not mean they analyze the data the same way or have the same business; we have seen this repeatedly within our experience (5 yrs.) and continue to see this trend. More importantly, when we can optimize our reporting on the fly, provide feedback and work directly with the client on a custom solution, we become a data warehouse and critical partner to the client, deepening the relationship and longer-term opportunity. Visualization and Innovation are symbiotic as we are in an ever-changing environment; our analytics and dashboards should advance in parallel. We challenge ourselves to lead in visualizing data because it dramatically impacts results in various ways. Because I can combine platforms and provide a customized solution to clients:

  • We save time by spending fewer hours within the UI, only changing creative and budgets but thoroughly analyzing and generating optimization through dashboards.
  • We uncover key insights that can help product and social media managers and fuel new testing and optimization tactics for media buyers.